Spinning for Barbel
9 listings
Caprivi Mutoya Lodge
Namibia, Zambezi Region
up to 4 people
River fishing, Lake fishing
Tigerfish, Barbel, Bream, Tilapia, Largemouth Bass
Portugal, Beja District
up to 6 people
River fishing, Lake fishing
Barbel, Zander Pike Perch, Largemouth Bass, European Carp
Wildfishing Portugal
Portugal, Beja District
up to 6 people
River fishing, Inshore fishing, Lake fishing
Carp, Barbel, Seabass, Mullet Snapper, Shad
Lure Fishing
Australia, Queensland
up to 3 people
Lake fishing, Backcountry fishing, Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Flats fishing
Largemouth Bass, Threadfin Salmon, Fingermark Bream, Barbel, Barramundi, Mangrove Snapper
Shayamanzi II - Tigerfishing
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
up to 20 people, 90 ft
Lake fishing
Tigerfish, Bream, Barbel
Royal Barotse Safaris
Zambia, Western Province
up to 12 people
River fishing
Tigerfish, Bream, Barbel
US $3,000
price from
Freshwater fishing Portugal
Portugal, Beja District
up to 4 people
River fishing, Lake fishing
Zander, Papuan Black Bass, Seabass, Common Carp, Barbel, Mullet Snapper
Fly and lure fishing for all ages
Portugal, Beja
up to 2 people
Lake fishing, River fishing
Mullet Snapper, Seabass, Barbel, Common Carp, Zander, Shad