Clown Knife Fish fishing trips in Delray Beach

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3 listings

Peacock Bass Clown Knife Fish Largemouth
United States, Florida
up to 3 people, 18 ft
Nearshore fishing, Lake fishing
Peacock Bass, Largemouth Bass, Clown Knife Fish, Hybrid Striped Bass
US $200
price from
Free cancellation
2 trips available
Phlats Inshore Fishing
United States, Florida
32.1mi from undefined
up to 4 people
Flats fishing, Backcountry fishing, Inshore fishing, Lake fishing, Nearshore fishing
Snook, Pompano, Sailfish, King Mackerel (Kingfish), Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Blackfin Tuna, Tripletail, Clown Knife Fish, Largemouth Bass, Peacock Bass, Red Drum, Black Drum, Snapper, Shark, Jack, Tarpon, Spotted Seatrout
Fishing license
US $450
price from
Free cancellation
6 trips available
Urban Legends Fishing Charters
United States, Florida
49.7mi from undefined
up to 4 people, 18 ft
Lake fishing, River fishing, Inshore fishing
Peacock Bass, Snook, Tarpon, Clown Knife Fish, Jack Crevalle, Garfish
Fishing license
US $550
price from
3 trips available